Deputies of the Howell County Sheriff's Office who volunteer and successfully negotiate the selection phase, will be assigned and qualified within the "Regional" Special Weapons and Tactics (S.W.A.T.) unit that was established in 2001 in order to provide an additional capability for public safety. The regional unit are designated law enforcement platoons, who are recruited, selected, trained, qualified, equipped and assigned to resolve critical incidents involving a threat to public safety which would otherwise exceed the capabilities of traditional law enforcement first responders and/or investigative units as identified through the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) standards. The regional unit is similar in organizational structure as our United States Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in order to meet the demands of mutual aid in various areas of jurisdiction while providing an array of capabilities.
The Department of Homeland Security has categorized SWAT unit capabilities through FEMA 508-6. The National Mutual Aid and Resource Management Initiative supports the National Incident Management System (NIMS) by establishing a comprehensive, integrated national mutual aid and resource management system that provides the basis to type, order, and track all (Federal, State, and local) response assets. Through resource typing, disciplines examine resources and identify the capabilities of a resource’s components (i.e., personnel, equipment, training). With this type system, SWAT units are broken into a tier rating from Type III to Type I capabilities. The patch above is worn on the left shoulder of those Howell County Sheriff's Office SWAT personnel and the regional unit patch is worn on the right shoulder of all team personnel.
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Sacredly, I understand I have been inducted into one of law enforcement's elite groups. My intestinal fortitude has set me apart and I have chosen a higher standard of law enforcement. As a tactical officer, I recognize the hazards in which I will face and I will keep myself physically fit, mentally tough, tactically and technically proficient.
Without hesitation, I will not, nor will I allow my fellow tactical officers circum to the liability of mediocrity. Undoubtedly, I will seek out the highest standard of current world tactics, techniques and procedures through the finest of professionals. As a tactical officer, I am part of an elite team; a brotherhood of men. I will never allow my fellow tactical officers to fall into harm’s way. I will protect their lives with my own, for I know they will do the same.
As a tactical officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the Constitutional rights of all persons to liberty, equality and justice.
Through unwavering efforts, I will wear my professionalism as a badge of honor. I will be identified through the pride in uniform, tactical and technical skills, and a fierce determination to win; I am a tactical law enforcement officer!
The Award of SWAT Certification is awarded by the Commanding Law Enforcement Officer of the presiding jurisdiction to a person who, while serving in any capacity in or with the office, distinguished himself or herself by successful negotiation of a department approved Basic SWAT Course and upon documented verification of graduating.
Deputies of the Howell County Sheriff's Office who have been selected and assigned to a verified and recognized SWAT unit and successfully negotiated a probationary period, consisting of a qualification course not selection course, shall be issued orders for the SWAT Officer Skill Badge. All Deputies with orders will be authorized to wear the skill badge in accordance with general orders. The history of the skill badge is as follows:
In 1993 members of a suburban Detroit Special Weapons And Tactics team were discontent with their current SWAT Officer Skill Badge and set out to craft a new symbol that they believed embodied the spirit and mission of a law enforcement tactical team. These law enforcement officers were inspired by the United States Navy SEALs and their hard earned, and treasured, Trident Insignia. The result of this inspiration was an idea that eventually became what is now known as, America’s SWAT Officer Skill Badge. In 1997 a veteran owned business known as Center Mass Inc. began marketing and selling the now well known skill badge. Center Mass Inc. was the driving force behind its national and international commercialization of the skill badge. Eventually, the owner of the original symbol sold the design and all of its intellectual property rights to Center Mass Inc.
Admirers will notice the skill badge displays a crest located on the lightning bolt. This crest in its full color version represents police officers around the world, with the numeral "1" representing the police officer and the asterisk symbol when decoded reads "ass - to - risk" identifying the hazards of the profession. Furthermore, the thin blue line signifies the side of law and order each law enforcement officer sworn an oath to uphold. The black background in the crest signifies the darkness of evil and the chaos in which law enforcement officers face on a day to day basis voluntarily and without hesitation. Over the years, the skill badge has been adopted by agencies and organizations around the world. This skill badge has truly been the symbol for the spirit and mission of all law enforcement tactical teams.
As a tactical officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the Constitutional rights of all persons to liberty, equality and justice.
"tuto collocanda" - Safeguarding
"vitae" - Life
"tuto collocanda vitae" - Safeguarding Life

The joint tactical development in performance and professional growth of individuals into competent and confident teams, while executing decisive action utilizing small unit tactics in support of safeguarding lives in complex threat environments. This handbook is considered a working document and will continue to evolve with global changes. Supervisors and Tactical Officers should control this handbook with a close-hold to degrade the ability of counter engagements.
Is a well structured, disciplined, equipped, trained,
evolving masters of the basics.